Perhaps the most important consideration for illustrators
when it comes to their resume is its appearance. And appearance is where an
illustrator’s resume becomes truly distinctive, for we can create an illustrative
resume. All aspects of the physical appearance and aesthetics of a resume are about projecting a personality, even the selection of fonts to be used. And
any form of visual imagery bears a significant impact on a resume reviewer. As
such, the selection and use of any symbols, colors, specialized type
treatments, and even paper stocks and background textures have to be used perceptively,
but none of these elements needs to be as thoroughly considered as the
selection and use of illustrations.
There are three differing viewpoints related to the
application of illustrations on a resume. These viewpoints are held not only by
resume coaches and advisors, but also by prospective employers. By being aware
of these conflicting opinions, it will allow one to consider the most
appropriate option when creating a resume for a specific review situation.
Option 1. One extreme option is not to use any kind of image
or visual element at all. This opinion is held by many business and human
resource people who feel that a resume is strictly a business form and should
only contain information. They maintain that illustrations and visual symbols
present a visual distraction for a reviewer. Additionally, not being visually
educated, these reviewers generally have difficulty understanding the use of an
image, or they misinterpret the content or meaning associated with a visual.
Option 2. Another extreme, taking the opposite approach to
the former argument, is for an illustration to have a very strong presence on a
resume. To essentially use an illustration to alter the purpose of a resume as
a document of written qualifications, to place it more in the realm of being a
promotional advertisement. This kind of application has pluses and minuses. A
plus is that a reviewer will probably be impressed by the resume and remember
it. And the minus is the same except the reviewer is negatively impressed by
it. Another issue relates to the use of a single illustration, which more than
likely is all there will be space for on the resume. A resume could be the
first, and with this approach possibly the only credential to be seen by a
prospective employer. Reviewers will either like the image, or not. If not,
that will be the end of any further interest in an applicant.
Option 3. The moderate approach to the use of illustrations
takes into consideration that, in many instances, a resume is the first
credential to be seen by a prospective employer, and the main purpose of the
resume is to present a person’s job qualifications. As stated in option 2, any
illustration used, will leave a strong impression on a reviewer, either
positively or negatively. And in the case of a negative one, they will have no
interest in viewing a portfolio or granting a personal interview. Therefore, for
subscribe to this option, it is vital that an illustration not dominate the
information content of a resume. However, if the use of an illustration appears
more as an accent or a visual effect this is much less likely to happen. A
moderate approach is to have an illustration play a supporting role to the
written content of the resume.
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© 2013 Don Arday. |
When an illustration is incorporated into a resume in nearly
every instance it becomes the center of interest. An illustration can be
created specifically for a resume, which is preferable, or it can be an image
that was created for an assignment and is repurposed for a resume. Either way,
it is the first thing a reviewer will look at, and it will spark the first
thought and impression with that viewer. This is vastly different than the kind
of impression that occurs when a business resume is looked at. For lacking any
visual element, it is the organization, i.e., the typographical hierarchy and
treatment that becomes the “center of interest”. Any kind of image, even if
small in size will draw the eye of a reviewer first.
Illustrative Treatments
Most illustrators think of an illustration as being a
picture, with a definitive shape, color scheme, and easily perceivable content.
But for a resume, an illustration does not need to be used in its original
form. It can be altered or reinterpreted to create a visual effect that will
blend with the other elements of a resume more harmoniously. Even if
compositionally and tonally an illustration works well visually, the content and
meaning of the illustration must be appropriate as well. Not like the true
example of a resume with a German storm trooper used as the illustration, it
was an attractive use of the image, but none-the-less, left a very negative
impression. And no, the applicant wasn’t seeking a position as a storm trooper.
Despite this one example, illustrations can be used very effectively to create wonderful
Illustrations can be used tastefully in many ways. For
example: An illustration can be positioned anywhere in the margin around the
text; or used as a banner that spans the width of the resume at the top or
bottom; applied in the background behind text as a tint or watermark; it can be
printed on the back side of the paper, large or small; it can be printed
monochromatically; etc.
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© 2013 Don Arday. |
Symbols and logos can be incorporated into a resume to add
personality, design aesthetic, identity, and visual interest. And, the same
considerations that apply to illustrations also apply to symbols, for symbols,
logos, and icons, can produce as significant a visual effect as an illustration,
particularly if the resume is being submitted by an applicant for a job that
calls for some design skills. Therefore, it would be prudent to carefully
consider the selection and use of symbols or icons on a resume. Although these
graphic forms can be strictly decorative in purpose, they function best when
they actually communicate something.
A logotype is a symbol that is comprised of letterforms that
have been altered and arranged in a customized manner. Good logotypes follow
either traditional proportioning and/or visually pleasing aesthetics of
letterform construction and anatomy. In other words, an understanding and
application of letterform conventions is important. Resume reviewers and
particularly designers are acutely aware of inappropriate “bastardizations” of
letterforms and the alphabet. So if a logotype is used for purposes of identity
on a resume, for the sake of legibility and aesthetics, it should follow
letterform conventions to guide its customization.
Logos differ from logotypes in that they are purely
pictorial in nature, whether or not they appear more illustrative or more
symbol-like. Logos are very personalized visuals that represent a particular
individual, company, product, etc. Logos very effectively add an individuality
and personality to a resume. When using a logo as a personal identifier and for
interest, any symbolism within the logo must be apparent. Illustrators and
designers sometimes forget that resume reviewers may not be visually acute. Logos
that are too abstract can loose or confuse a viewer. Symbolic abstractions, which
communicate as plain as day to an illustrator or designer, may look like a
foreign language to a businessperson reviewing a resume.
Icons are visual simplified representations of subjects.
Their main purpose is to be used for indexing subjects or categories. Icons can
add a very distinctive look, and interest, as well as help organize the
categories on a resume. Whereas logos signify unique ideas, icons tend to stand
for more general ones, and are likely to have a generic appearance to them.
When icons are used in combination with other icons, they should display common
visual or design characteristics to be seen as a set. As with logos, it is
important for icons not to be too abstract to communicate clearly or serve as
an identifier.
Graphical Treatments
Many resume templates and resume design guides recommend the
use of graphical treatments to add emphasis, color, interest, distinctiveness,
etc. Graphical treatments are most commonly in the form of lines and rules,
borders, boxes, tables, bullets, tint blocks, etc. Although graphical
treatments are visual elements, the main purpose for their use is to improve
the organization of the textual content on a resume. However, many resume
creators tend to use them to make a resume appear to be “designed”, unfortunately
these treatments are often used without regard for their true purpose. They can
help distinguish the sections on a resume, support the typographical hierarchy,
provide an opportunity to add accent color, and much more. Like all of the other visual elements
discussed, they hold visual weight and impact, but since graphical treatments
do not carry any meaning, it is very important not over use them, and not to
use them to make up for deficiencies in the typographical hierarchy. It is
rather easy for graphical treatments to dominate the visual appearance of the
resume and distract a viewer from comprehending the written content.